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Under review

Vim plugin!

Ahmed Azaan 12 year бұрын updated by Sebastian Palma 9 year бұрын 5

Guys? Any plans for a vim plugin. please :D

Paul Sinclair 12 year бұрын

I will look into this.


Atom plugin

Thabo Fletcher 11 year бұрын updated by Joe 9 year бұрын 20
Would love to be able to get my codeivate points out of Atom - the editor is trying to be very much like Sublime, so hopefully the plugin would be an easy conversion.

Netbeans plugin

Gary Mort 11 year бұрын updated by Thibaud Amele 11 year бұрын 1
I do most of my coding in PHPStorm so the plugin there is wonderful.  It would be great to have a plugin for Netbeans as well since I use that for C/C++ work

Heck, if I can get access to the source for the PHPStorm/Intellijidea plugin I'd be happy to take a stab at porting it.   Since both apps are Java based, it should be simply a matter of swapping the PHPStorm specific stuff for netbeans.

Visual Studio Integration

Trevlar 11 year бұрын updated by Leonardo Fonseca Ferreira 10 year бұрын 3
There doesn't seem to be any support for Visual Studio. It would be great to have this sort of visual studio extension.

BASH integration

Denford Berriman 12 year бұрын updated by Das Skriptkiddie 11 year бұрын 2
It would be great to see how much time between coding streaks is spent in a terminal.


Eclipse Plugin

Kiko Beats 11 year бұрын updated by LuanComputacao 11 year бұрын 1
I love this plugin, and I love Sublime Text. Seriously. But unfortunately, eclipse is much better to programming Java. And many programmers know this

Be possible integration with Eclipse?

Cleaner Web Design

Michael Calkins 12 year бұрын updated by Peter Nijssen 11 year бұрын 3

Going through the site is a little weird atm.  I think there are more than one leaderboards, dashboard and my summary, the table for current level overflows it's container, and the tiled background is behind text that you read, and etc. 

Paul Sinclair 12 year бұрын

Hi Michael,

Thanks for pointing these issues out, this is a work in progress and I am updating issues on the site as I find them.


- Paul

Under review

Chrome Extension

David Chase 12 year бұрын updated by Jeremy Karlsson 11 year бұрын 4

Is it possible to have it as a chrome extension, i do a lot of programming in sandboxes such as codepen or jsfiddle, etc

Paul Sinclair 12 year бұрын

Interesting idea! I will do some investigation on this.


WebStorm plugin!

Jeff French 12 year бұрын updated by Jason Stephens 11 year бұрын 21

I would love to see a plugin for JetBrains WebStorm. In fact, I believe they have a common plugin architecture so the same one would probably work across all of their IDEs (WebStorm, PhpStorm, RubyMine, PyCharm, IntelliJ IDEA, AppCode). 

Paul Sinclair 11 year бұрын

** UPDATE 3 | 14 March **

I have deployed a new version 0.1.9, you might need to refresh your repository (the blue circle icon) to see the new version.

This should work on 

  • IntelliJ IDEA
  • Community Edition
  • RubyMine
  • WebStorm
  • PhpStorm
  • PyCharm
  • PyCharm CE
  • AppCode
  • Android Studio

  • Re-complied with Java 1.6 
  • Improved settings page, now accessible by clicking Codeivate widget bottom right.
  • Added clickable links to settings page, and added more useful links
  • Added users signature to Settings page (enter username to see)
  • Improved authentication
  • Fixed apply button modal showing up on all settings forms
  • Fixed bug with trying to remove settings
  • Fixed bug with not fetching new machine name if it was blank
  • Fixed small bug with TEXT language
  • Fixed null pointer for users with no machine name set (broken in 0.1.8)

New settings page accessible by clicking the Codeivate widget area down the bottom right of the IDE.

Thanks for your patience!

** UPDATE 3 | 12 March **

Ok so that took a bit longer than expected..

Now available under
"File" -> "Settings" -> "Plugins" 
"Browse repositories"
Search for Codeivate or click "Fun stuff" category.
Install and restart. 

You will need to go into "File" -> "Settings" -> "Codeivate"
and enter your auth details. When you start coding you should see current language and streak down the bottom right-hand side of the screen


Thanks for your patience!

** UPDATE 2 | 8 August **

An auspicious evening to start coding! 
Development has begun. We are several hours in and are starting to make some (slow) progress.

** UPDATE 1 **

I am currently investigating how to make this for the IntelliJ suite of tools.

I will keep you posted.

- Paul
Under review

Is it possible to add xcode as an IDE?

Michelle Sanver 12 year бұрын updated by Psycho™ 10 year бұрын 4

 A shame only my webwork is being logged. I have no idea how easy or hard this would be to add! Obviously in xcode you could beneficially say "Any work in xcode must be iOS development" or so :)

Paul Sinclair 12 year бұрын

Hi Michelle,

Thanks for the question, this is on the roadmap.


- Paul