
Brackets plugin

Mads D. Aune 11 years ago updated by programmingpassion 10 years ago 13


I'm thinking about switching from Sublime Text to Brackets (brackets.io), but I've become so dependent on the Codeivate plugin that I find it hard to switch before Brackets has one.

Brackets has an Extension Manager very much like Package Manger for ST and all the plugins are written in HTML, CSS & JS. Would be cool if you could look into one day, and maybe find time to develop a plugin!


I have almost finished an alpha version of this, it should be ready for testing next week. 

Email me your github username if you want to be an early adopter :) paul@codeivate.com 

Cool! My github is madsaune :)

I just gave you access to the test repo on github :)

About this, in the future you you should consider making a plugin for atom IDE too, the github code editor :)
@Kiko please upvote the uservoice I put in about Atom.
How do we get a copy of the brackets plugin?  My github is "tripflex" would like to test it out, thanks!
@myles I added you to the repo.
Unless it's been published recently and I just couldn't find it could you add github.com/llwt
Want a copy of the plugin too :)
My github is "kress95"
Hi starting to use brackets, please may I try out the brackets plugin my github name is @manidf. thanks
I'd love that too! my github user is kino90 :) thanks!
Slugisen - Thank you!