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Is Current level bar correct?

Michael Calkins 12 лет назад обновлен Paul Sinclair 12 лет назад 0

This is confusing shouldn't it be 66.96% full?

Image 7

Paul Sinclair 12 лет назад

Hi Michael,

I agree looking at that bar with a fresh set of eyes it is confusing! 

What it's actually saying is you are on level 4 which is something like 220 points, but you need 109 points (330 - 221) to get to the next level.

So it should say something like 1/109.

I will fix this up.


- Paul

Не ошибка

length emailaddress

Peter Nijssen 11 лет назад обновлен Paul Sinclair 11 лет назад 3

When I was editting my password, I noticed that my emailaddress was missing one character. After changing it, it's still missing one character. My emailadress has a total length of 21 characters, so maybe the database field is only 20 characters long?

Paul Sinclair 11 лет назад

Hi Peter,

Thanks for reporting the issue, I have done some tests and seem to be able to add email addresses longer than that. Can you please email me your address to paul@codeivate.com and I will check it out further. 



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Bigger level ladder

Michael Calkins 12 лет назад обновлен Paul Sinclair 12 лет назад 4

Instead of the 22 level thing use a popular level tier that's proven to successfully motivate people to play it like WoW's 1 to 80.  If it takes forever to get to level 3 it kinda makes you feel like "meh".

Paul Sinclair 12 лет назад

Hi Michael,

Funny you should mention WOW the levelling on the site is currently based on that but maybe not in the way you are expecting. 

The levelling at the moment is a combination of the 10,000 hour philosophy and the WOW levelling system (from 1-80)


From what I have read it takes about 10,000 hours to become a master in any skill so based on some initial research I did, level 70 should equate to roughly 10,000 hours of coding. Also levelling is non linear so each level requires more time/effort to get to than the previous one.

At the moment you the yellow bars / points on the user summary i.e. http://www.codeivate.com/users/jbrooksuk show you how many points you have earned today towards the next level(s) and when logged in you should see a rough E.T.A on the top right towards your next overall level up. The points gained today/overtime is definitely an area I would like to improve upon to give users a better sense of achievement. 

I may need to tweak the levelling system once I get more data though...


- Paul

Не ошибка

power languages incorrect

Peter Nijssen 11 лет назад обновлен Paul Sinclair 11 лет назад 0

I believe power languages are incorrect:


Currently, it says that my power languages are PHP, Javascript and Shell-Unix. Well, if you look at the meters, that's correct. However, my "plain" is level 1 and is basically higher then javascript.

Or is stuff like plain automatically downgraded?

Paul Sinclair 11 лет назад

Hi Peter,

Sorry about the delay in replying. 

At the moment "power languages" are made up of your top 5 languages excluding Plain, this is because the earlier versions of the plugin picked up alot of stuff as Plain.


This should be a bit better now. Although if you create a new tab and start typing without either choosing a language on the bottom right or saving it Sublime will think it is Plain.


- Paul

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Plain Text Issue

Victor Malca 11 лет назад обновлен Paul Sinclair 11 лет назад 1
Hi, some weeks ago i posted a issue about this problem, i attach a image with the problem, i wanna know what is the problem with this category because as you can see i'm writin a CSS file.

Image 20
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Widgit version of Summary page.

Joshua Kolden 12 лет назад обновлен Paul Sinclair 12 лет назад 0

Something I can tuck into the corner of my screen and see my points building to encourage me to do just a little more every time I look at it. 

Paul Sinclair 12 лет назад

Hi Joshua,

Thanks for the idea. I will investigate some ways of doing this.


- Paul



sammy 11 лет назад обновлен 11 лет назад 2
Hi there, great stuff with codeivate, i really enjoy it!

I was thinking it would be awesome if codeivate could report on how much of the total coding time was spent on specific projects (maybe it could pick up the name of the root folder of the project)

Keep up the good work!

Most typed keywords

Andrew Markham-Davies 11 лет назад 0
How about having a most used keyword/function/method matrix

Might be good to see what inbuilt methods are being used more frequent then others. Would then also all a calculation to see how much (as a percentage) of a chosen languages inbuilt methods/functions you use. 

Profile not updating

Ghostface 12 лет назад обновлен Paul Sinclair 12 лет назад 1


I have a problem my profle is no longer updating (since 18-06-2013).

Setup: sublime3 nightly 3043 and git pull is up2date - running on archlinux.

Any ideas?



Console log:

{'success': ['great success! [50|156033993323]']}

{'success': ['great success! [10|156033993323]']}

posting data for Plain

{'success': ['great success! [50|156033993323]']}

posting data for Plain

{'success': ['great success! [50|156033993323]']}

posting data for Plain

{'success': ['great success! [50|156033993323]']}

posting data for Plain

{'success': ['great success! [50|156033993323]']}

streak ended!

posting data for PHP

message :streak ended 7.7 mins  PHP

icon base :--icon=/home/christoph/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/codeivate-st/codeivated/icons/32x32/

{'success': ['great success! [2|156033993323]']}

posting data for PHP

{'success': ['great success! [29|156033993323]']}

posting data for PHP

{'success': ['great success! [50|156033993323]']}

streak ended!

posting data for Plain

message :streak ended 1.3166666666666667 mins  Plain

icon base :--icon=/home/christoph/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/codeivate-st/codeivated/icons/32x32/

{'success': ['great success! [24|156033993323]']}

posting data for Plain

{'success': ['great success! [26|156033993323]']}

Paul Sinclair 12 лет назад

Hi Ghostface,

Thanks for pointing that out! none of your data was lost. Turns out there was a bug in my Mongo caching layer due to a recent update, this seems to have affected everyone. 

I have started rebuilding the cache. But you should start seeing the new data now.


- Paul


RemoteStorage plugin ?

ralph tice 11 лет назад 0

I think adding RemoteStorage http://remotestorage.io/ as a backend for user data would allow a much greater variety of use cases.

Сервис поддержки клиентов работает на платформе UserEcho