Cleaner Web Design
Going through the site is a little weird atm. I think there are more than one leaderboards, dashboard and my summary, the table for current level overflows it's container, and the tiled background is behind text that you read, and etc.

Hi Michael,
Thanks for pointing these issues out, this is a work in progress and I am updating issues on the site as I find them.
- Paul

for short and medium term solution would be to use a bootstrap theme friendlier to the eye for example, one of http://bootswatch.com

I agree. I really would love to see a more consistent design and easier navigation. I believe that stops users from looking further then the first page. Also would love to see way more stats, so I had a good reason to have a look here once in a while :)
I see some new features being added like the battles and the "last 7 days" stats. The only way however to get to these pages is to find the links somewhere in the text, twitter or blog articles. Shame it's not nicely integrated in the menu :(
I see some new features being added like the battles and the "last 7 days" stats. The only way however to get to these pages is to find the links somewhere in the text, twitter or blog articles. Shame it's not nicely integrated in the menu :(
Service d'assistance aux clients par UserEcho
Hi Michael,
Thanks for pointing these issues out, this is a work in progress and I am updating issues on the site as I find them.
- Paul