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Hi Joshua,

Thanks for the idea. I will investigate some ways of doing this.


- Paul

Hi Allan, 

That sounds like a good idea!

Also I checked your profile and you don't seem to be uploading any data.

Are you on ST2 or ST3? if you restart Sublime and look in the console (ctrl+`) do you see any errors?

Currently I am aware of a bug if you use ST3 and have an alpha version of package control installed you need to delete and reinstall the latest stable version of package control see here for more info http://codeivate.userecho.com/topic/235631-sublimes-setting-user-file-is-not-as-mentioned-in-the-docs/

Otherwise let me know and I will investigate.


- Paul

level 80 is approximately 10,000 hours.

I think I have come up with a way around this, I will work on a prototype to show you.

Good idea! Thanks for working that out.

Running some numbers I get:

Top 3 records for time spent coding in a day (ever across all users):

  1. 17 hours 42 minutes
  2. 13 hours 11 minutes
  3. 9 hours 23 minutes
The average across all time for a day is: 2 hours 55 minutes per day

Top 3 records for time spent coding in a week (ever across all users):

  1. 39 hours 56 minutes
  2. 32 hours 41 minutes
  3. 30 hours 3 minutes

The average across all time for a week is: 12 hours 54 minutes

(this data is from an older snapshot and is about a week old)

One idea I had similar to what Alex mentioned is to decide on a number for a 'perfect' day/week 


Choosing a high number for the max 


  • 12 hours for a perfect day 
  • 33 hours in a perfect week. 

Report this as a percentage of activity


  • I work 10 hours in a day (10/12) = 83% utilisation or activity 
  • If someone codes ultra hardout it can go over 100%
  • I work 17 hours I get 141% and it goes bold or red or something...

I'm not sure is this to confusing? What do you guys think?

- Paul

Hi Michelle,

Thanks for the question, this is on the roadmap.


- Paul

Hi Michael,

Currently it should be cached for 15 minutes, but with the increased users it is something that I need to redesign. 

I am thinking of something that post loads user data via ajax so you can see updates without refreshing. 


- Paul

**update 2**

This appears to be a problem if you have installed an alpha version of the Package control manager.  

The Alpha version of the Package Control manager seems to:

  •  Ignore multiple branches listed in the repositories channel it always downloads the "master" branch. 
  • Also the alpha version of Package control doesn't seem to be able to automatically update itself.

To fix:

  1. Shutdown Sublime
  2. Delete the Packages control folder from the /Packages directory.
  3. Re-install the package manager https://sublime.wbond.net/installation
  4. run "Package Control:upgrade package" to force Codeivate to update to the ST3 version.


Sorry about this, investigating now



The Sublime text 3 Version seems to be pulling down the ST2 code, I have just opened an issue


Hopefully I will be able to resolve this issue soon, but It should still work if you install it manually



- Paul

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