Under review

Percentage of time spent coding on leaderboard

Michael Calkins 12 years ago updated by Paul Sinclair 12 years ago 2

The idea would be to show on average (for the last 7 days) how much time have you spent coding?

Total percentage of time spent coding (not sure if I'm doing this right):

(time spent) / (24 * days)

LavaEagle: 62 / (24 * 14) = 18%
jbrooksuk: 220 / (24 * 74) = 12.3%


I tested this with a bunch of different people, and noticed that the percentages get pretty small - even paul has a 4.71%.

4.7h / day - LavaEagle, highest ranked in this right now, so essentially a tentative upper bound

66 / 14  =  4.71 hours / day  =  19.64%

4h / day
3h / day
2h / day
1h / day
0.5h / day
 4 / 24 = 16.66%
3 / 24 = 12.50%
2 / 24 = 8.333%
1 / 24 = 4.166%
0.5 / 24 = 2.083%

Let's say most of the users are coding 4-10 hours a week (wild guess):

4h / week
6h / week
8h / week
 10h / week
4 / (24 * 7) = 2.381%
6 / (24 * 7) = 3.571%
8 / (24 * 7) = 4.762%
 10 / (24 * 7) = 5.952%

Maybe if we only count the hours people are awake?

4h / week (hours awake only)
4 / (16 * 7) = 3.571%

My main concern is that the percentages will be too close together, so percentages will have to go out many decimal places to differentiate, ie.  2.97619047%.

Maybe it would be better to drop the percentage, and just express this as a "week's focus" meter, with 25% being the max (using the 24h day scale).

Maybe this is fine - just wanted to put it out there.
Under review

Good idea! Thanks for working that out.

Running some numbers I get:

Top 3 records for time spent coding in a day (ever across all users):

  1. 17 hours 42 minutes
  2. 13 hours 11 minutes
  3. 9 hours 23 minutes
The average across all time for a day is: 2 hours 55 minutes per day

Top 3 records for time spent coding in a week (ever across all users):

  1. 39 hours 56 minutes
  2. 32 hours 41 minutes
  3. 30 hours 3 minutes

The average across all time for a week is: 12 hours 54 minutes

(this data is from an older snapshot and is about a week old)

One idea I had similar to what Alex mentioned is to decide on a number for a 'perfect' day/week 


Choosing a high number for the max 


  • 12 hours for a perfect day 
  • 33 hours in a perfect week. 

Report this as a percentage of activity


  • I work 10 hours in a day (10/12) = 83% utilisation or activity 
  • If someone codes ultra hardout it can go over 100%
  • I work 17 hours I get 141% and it goes bold or red or something...

I'm not sure is this to confusing? What do you guys think?

- Paul