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Hi Michael,

Funny you should mention WOW the levelling on the site is currently based on that but maybe not in the way you are expecting. 

The levelling at the moment is a combination of the 10,000 hour philosophy and the WOW levelling system (from 1-80)


From what I have read it takes about 10,000 hours to become a master in any skill so based on some initial research I did, level 70 should equate to roughly 10,000 hours of coding. Also levelling is non linear so each level requires more time/effort to get to than the previous one.

At the moment you the yellow bars / points on the user summary i.e. http://www.codeivate.com/users/jbrooksuk show you how many points you have earned today towards the next level(s) and when logged in you should see a rough E.T.A on the top right towards your next overall level up. The points gained today/overtime is definitely an area I would like to improve upon to give users a better sense of achievement. 

I may need to tweak the levelling system once I get more data though...


- Paul

Hi Michael,

Thanks for pointing these issues out, this is a work in progress and I am updating issues on the site as I find them.


- Paul


I am currently investigating how to make this for the IntelliJ suite of tools.

I will keep you posted.


- Paul

Hi Michael, 

Languages are basically pulled from .tmLanguage files. For instance laravel-blade requires this package to be installed https://github.com/Medalink/laravel-blade/blob/master/laravel-blade.tmLanguage

I had quick look but unfortunately couldn't see an Angular JS language file for Sublime (yet!) But it would work as soon as someone developed the language file for it.


- Paul

Interesting idea! I will do some investigation on this.

Hi Flynn,

Thanks for the feedback, how can you tell if you are writing Javascript for client side or server side? 

Is it based on: 

The name of the file? 

The folder the file is in?

The class/method name your are currently writing in a file?

or a Combination of the above?


- Paul

Thanks for the feedback! I can see how that would be annoying. 

I had some stupid code that truncated the programming to p and flow state to f when usernames got over 13 characters, don't know what I was thinking!

Your idea is wayyy better.

Should be sweet now.

Also www.codeivate.com/users/Alex Lamson should redirect to www.codeivate.com/users/alex-lamson but I have updated that link down the bottom so it is clearer.


- Paul

Hi Alex, 

the space seems to be the problem I will fix it today.

Fixed! You will need to code for a minute or so for data to go through system and make the .json page work. Signature page should work right now.


Hi Ghostface, yes this is definitely planned :)

The first cut will be a widget you can put on your own blog / site.

First version is up check the blog for details:



I have slightly modifed the array the is returned adding in points for each language, and total time spent on each platform. This will also allow for more things to be added in the future.