Under review

Major Lang: HTML (AngularJS)

Michael Calkins 12 years ago updated by Paul Sinclair 12 years ago 1

My current number one Major lang is HTML, but I'm actually writing AngularJS templates.  I saw you HTML (Django), laravel-blade, etc. and was wondering if the same thing could happen for AngularJS


Under review

Hi Michael, 

Languages are basically pulled from .tmLanguage files. For instance laravel-blade requires this package to be installed https://github.com/Medalink/laravel-blade/blob/master/laravel-blade.tmLanguage

I had quick look but unfortunately couldn't see an Angular JS language file for Sublime (yet!) But it would work as soon as someone developed the language file for it.


- Paul

Under review

Hi Michael, 

Languages are basically pulled from .tmLanguage files. For instance laravel-blade requires this package to be installed https://github.com/Medalink/laravel-blade/blob/master/laravel-blade.tmLanguage

I had quick look but unfortunately couldn't see an Angular JS language file for Sublime (yet!) But it would work as soon as someone developed the language file for it.


- Paul


And so it begins: https://github.com/clouddueling/AngularJS-HTML

I'll continue to modify this while I work in Angular.