Sublime's "Setting - User" file is not as mentioned in the docs
At http://www.codeivate.com/token is written that you should update the file. But the file can't be update, because it's an empty file. I guess you should say that you should write in a JSON compliant format, like so:
"user_id": "xxx",
"user_token": "yyy"

Hi Breno,
Thanks for reporting this, what version are you on ST2 or ST3?
Is the plugin working? and have you restarted since installing the plugin?
There is some code that runs on startup that checks if several values are present in the user settings file, if they don't exist it creates defaults (this is to make it easier for people to edit)

Hi, Paul,
I'm using ST3. The plugin is not working, even after restarting ST3. I'll try restarting the PC, though.

I restarted and nothing happens too.
I'm using Ubuntu, maybe this will help you debugging.

I had the same issue, and it appears my plugin isn't working either (been coding for a while now and dashboard is still empty)
I'm using ST3 Build 3047 and Mac OS 10.8.4. I installed the plugin via Package Control.

I restarted Sublime and looked at the plugin loading "logs" in the console. Here are my logs for the Codeivate plugin:
reloading plugin Codeivate.codeivate
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Applications/Sublime Text.app/Contents/MacOS/sublime_plugin.py", line 73, in reload_plugin
m = importlib.import_module(modulename)
File "X/importlib/__init__.py", line 88, in import_module
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1577, in _gcd_import
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1558, in _find_and_load
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1525, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File "/Applications/Sublime Text.app/Contents/MacOS/sublime_plugin.py", line 671, in load_module
exec(compile(source, source_path, 'exec'), mod.__dict__)
File "codeivate in /Users/xelldran1/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages/Codeivate.sublime-package", line 3, in <module>
ImportError: No module named 'codeivated'
Hope these help.

The Sublime text 3 Version seems to be pulling down the ST2 code, I have just opened an issue
Hopefully I will be able to resolve this issue soon, but It should still work if you install it manually
- Paul

**update 2**
This appears to be a problem if you have installed an alpha version of the Package control manager.
The Alpha version of the Package Control manager seems to:
- Ignore multiple branches listed in the repositories channel it always downloads the "master" branch.
- Also the alpha version of Package control doesn't seem to be able to automatically update itself.
To fix:
- Shutdown Sublime
- Delete the Packages control folder from the /Packages directory.
- Re-install the package manager https://sublime.wbond.net/installation
- run "Package Control:upgrade package" to force Codeivate to update to the ST3 version.
Sorry about this, investigating now
Customer support service by UserEcho
**update 2**
This appears to be a problem if you have installed an alpha version of the Package control manager.
The Alpha version of the Package Control manager seems to:
To fix:
Sorry about this, investigating now